World Wildlife Day: Financing Solutions for Central Asia's Endangered Mammals World Wildlife Day: Financing Solutions for Central Asia's Endangered Mammals Kicker (computed) Comment by Anne Neumann, Christiane Röttger, Dr. Johannes Stahl Resources
Views Reference Displaying 1 - 46 of 46 Isell Baldauf Manager Sabine Blumstein Senior Associate Carolina Borges Consultant Sarah Bosse-Platière Manager Nikolas Bradford Managing Director of phiyond by adelphi Per-Olof Busch Senior Researcher Alexander Carius Partner and Chairman Advisory Board Annica Cochu Senior Advisor Lena Domröse Co-Lead Green and Circular Economy Hanyi Du Consultant at phiyond by adelphi Dominik Ehlert Consultant Paolo Facco Senior Advisor Bibiana García Senior Manager Carolin Grüning Manager Lina Gutierrez Consultant Jürgen Hannak Head of Progamme Green and Circular Economy Svenja Hector Senior Manager + Co-Lead Finance Ronjon Heim Senior Researcher Water Linda Hölscher Senior Advisor Lewin Kästner Consultant Yosr Khèdr Analyst Jutta Knopf Senior Associate Ulrike Knörzer Consultant Jonathan Koenning Analyst Mario Lodigiani Managing Director German EMAS Advisory Board, UGA Christian Metzler Advisor Christine Meyer Senior Manager + Co-Lead Green Entrepreneurship Amarnath Munnolimath Co-Lead Green and Circular Economy Suwi Narasingamoorthy Analyst Anne Neumann Manager Bianca Pelletti Analyst Matthias Poerting Senior Consultant at phiyond by adelphi Benjamin Pohl Head of Programme Climate Diplomacy and Security Jonas Restle-Steinert Co-Lead Green Entrepreneurship Paula Ruiz Martin Senior Manager Friedrich Schäkel Consultant at phiyond by adelphi Sabrina Scharndke Consultant Elsa Semmling Co-Lead Water Paolo Michele Sonvilla Co-Lead Sustainable Finance Cosima Stahr Director Asia Maren Tornow Consultant Chung Tran Senior Manager Thomas Viertel Senior Associate Marcel von dem Berge Partner at phiyond by adelphi Nicolo Zagato Consultant Mirko Zuerker Senior Manager + Acting Co-Lead Green Entrepreneurship