Managing directors: Mikael P. Henzler, Benno Gerhardus, Sebastian Muschter
Company with its registered seat in Berlin
District court Charlottenburg HRB 260393 B USt.-ID: DE813485763
Responsible party according to § 18 Section 2 of the Media State Treaty (MStV) and pursuant to Section 2 of the Ordinance on Service Providers’ Information Obligations (§ 2 DL-InfoV)
Person responsible for the website according to press law:
Lena Ruthner
adelphi consult GmbH Alt-Moabit 91 10559 Berlin T +49 (30) 8900068-0 F +49 (30) 8900068-10 officeadelphi [dot] de (office[at]adelphi[dot]de)
Technical contact for the adelphi website (Webmaster):
Daniel Högele webmasteradelphi [dot] de (webmaster[at]adelphi[dot]de)
Digital portrait photos of adelphi employees as hosted on this website may be reproduced free of charge; adelphi must however be credited as the holder of the image rights.
Photos and images used on this website are either part of adelphi’s own bank of images, or they are licensed visual material. Copyright information for every image will be shown within on directly next to the image in question.
adelphi on social media
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