World Wildlife Day: Financing Solutions for Central Asia's Endangered Mammals
Comment by Anne Neumann, Christiane Röttger, Dr. Johannes Stahl
adelphi is Europe's leading independent think-and-do tank for climate, environment and development. We are some 330 strategists, thought leaders and practitioners working at the local and global levels to find solutions to the most urgent political, economic and social challenges of our time. As a policy consultancy, we support a just transition towards carbon neutrality and sustainable, liveable societies. Our work is grounded in transdisciplinary research, evidence-based consulting and stakeholder dialogues. With these tools we shape policy agendas, facilitate political communication, inform policy processes and support decision-makers.
Since 2001, we have successfully completed more than 1,820 projects worldwide for numerous international clients and partner organisations in the fields of energy, climate, resources, finance, diplomacy and business.
Sustainability is the basis of our internal and external conduct. We are committed to a future fit for grandchildren, reduce our CO2 emissions where we can and offset those that are currently unavoidable. We purchase 100 per cent green electricity, consistently rely on environmentally friendly and socially responsible procurement and use ethical financial services. Through our project work, we contribute to increasing positive environmental performance. The responsibilities and processes of our corporate environmental protection are certified according to the EMAS seal of approval, the highest European certification for a systematic environmental management system.
Since 2022, the Munich-based investment company Deutsche Private Equity (DPE) has invested in adelphi consult as a shareholder. As a financial investor, DPE actively invests in medium-sized companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. With professional expertise, experience, trust and respect, DPE accompanies adelphi's growth path as a partner.