World Wildlife Day: Financing Solutions for Central Asia's Endangered Mammals
Comment by Anne Neumann, Christiane Röttger, Dr. Johannes Stahl
adelphi maintains social media accounts on Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube to allow direct contact and exchanges. The following code of conduct applies to all communications on these social media channels.
Dear user,
We are delighted that you are using adelphi’s social media platform. We are looking forward to lively and engaging discussions with you. You are invited to participate in discussions through submitting comments and posts on our social media channels:
We kindly ask all participants to abide by the rules for comments outlined below. Please note that if these rules are not observed, adelphi may delete the content of these comments and, in some cases, may report them to the respective platform.
When making your posts, please ensure that your tone remains fair and polite. We kindly ask you to stick to the topic, and treat other users the same way you would like to be treated. Please do not forget that every online user is first and foremost a human being. We further ask you to refrain from personal attacks or arguments that go against any other user. Respect the opinions of the other users, and abstain from forcing your view points on other users. Any posts that contain insults, obscenities, personal attacks, racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic or sexist comments will be deleted and/or reported to the respective social media platform. The author of the post will be blocked. The same treatment applies to posts and comments that use vulgar, improper, and hateful language; or those that infringe on copy right law or the rights of a third party.
adelphi’s Linked-In Account, Tweets, and YouTube videos provide information on the different activities of our organisation. Accordingly, any post made by users should be relevant to the respective topic. If this is not the case, adelphi reserves the right to remove such posts.
The misuse of our social media channels, for instance through posting advertisements for other websites or services, as well as offering products and services commercially or privately, is prohibited. The post will be deleted and reported to the relevant platform. Any content, information, software, or other material that breaches existing laws may not be posted.
If you wish to include a quote in your post, please include the source and author. Only quotes and references that other users are able to verify may be used. Please remember that you must have the copyrights for any photos that you post. We also kindly ask users to keep the linking to external web pages to a minimum.
adelphi is not responsible for the posts made by users on its’ social media platforms. This responsibility lies with the users themselves. Through making posts and contributions, the authors are granting the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs the right to keep the contribution online on the social media channels.
As the operators of adelphi’s social media presence, we will not tolerate any violations against the code of conduct outlined above. We reserve the right to delete or report comments at any time, if necessary without specifying concrete reasons. By interacting and participating on our social media channels, you agree to abide by these rules. Violations of any laws may lead to suspension from the platform. In grave cases, violations may result in legal ramifications.
We strive to answer questions and respond to any posts made on our platforms. If you contact us in the evening, on the weekends, or on public holidays, please note that we will happily respond the next working day. We thank you for your understanding and looking forward to lively discussions with you!
These comment rules are based on the publicly-available Netiquette of the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.