Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung e. V. (ZALF)
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Technical University (TU) of Berlin
Universität Trier
As a result of climate change, extreme events such as heat periods, heavy precipitation or flood events will increase in frequency and intensity in Germany. However, detailed studies on the sensitivity of the hydrological system to the predicted extreme events are currently lacking for many regions in Germany, such as Brandenburg. The research project SpreeWasser:N, funded by the BMBF, will contribute to fill this gap and will specifically investigate the problem of more frequent droughts and their impact on the catchment area "Untere Spree" in Brandenburg. The aim is to better prepare and adapt to extreme water events, especially through better drought management, integrated water management concepts and improved water storage in the Berlin-Brandenburg region.
For this purpose, adelphi analyzes the existing institutional structures, decision-making processes and information flows that constitute water governance in the pilot region. In addition, adelphi will conduct research on existing instruments related to low and high water management in order to identify where and how a drought management system should best be implemented. adelphi will also conduct a socio-economic assessment of water use by different groups such as industry, agriculture, households. adelphi will also identify potential user conflicts that may arise with more frequent droughts. The project will train decision makers and water users from the region on drought management measures. adelphi is also helping to establish appropriate risk communication regarding upcoming droughts and identify incentive mechanisms to increase acceptance of water restrictions.