For more than 20 years, SEED has been supporting ecologically sustainable small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and business development service (BDS) providers in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Every company plays a key role in improving the social, ecological and economic health of their society. This publication is based on a survey of 234 SMEs and 107 BDS providers that took place at the end of 2020. It reveals how ecologically sustainable companies and BDS providers are contributing to transformative change and how this can be scaled in the future.
Making societies sustainable with SMEs and BDS providers
SMEs play a major role in the economy worldwide: 90% of all registered companies are SMEs, and they account for 50% of all jobs. In developing countries, they account for 35% of the gross domestic product. SEED has specialised in SMEs with green business models that operate in an ecologically sustainable manner. There is an increasing awareness of the contribution these companies make to society, which enables them to find support when it comes to financing and advancing their projects. Supporters include investors or business development services.
The impact of ecologically sustainable SMEs
SMEs make an enormous contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and have a positive impact on the environment and climate by using resource-saving management and responsible consumption and production practices. 44% of the materials used by SMEs have been recycled and 43% of companies use sustainable agricultural practices – as a result, thousands of tons of waste have already been avoided.
In addition to the positive effects on the environment and climate, they also have an impact on society. These companies campaign for decent employment or gender equality, among other things. For example, 59% of the businesses are run by women.
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13 SDGs
Sustainable Development Goals
SMEs contribute to the achievement of 13 of the 17 SDGs
Impacting 13 out of 17 SDGs
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Goal 1: No poverty
Goal 2: Zero hunger
Goal 3: Good health and well-being
Goal 5: Gender equality
Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Goal 13: Climate action
Goal 15: Life on land
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
High-quality green jobs
Another social aspect is the area of fair employment. The companies supported by SEED have a positive impact on local communities by creating green jobs that enable decent employment and, in particular, engage women, youth and poor people in their value chains. By promoting high-quality jobs and social inclusion, SMEs go beyond mere job creation.
In order for a company to receive the “green quality jobs” label, it must fulfil three of the following five categories:
Living wage
Basic benefits
Opportunities for advancement
Opportunities for wealth creation
Fair working conditions
Based on these criteria, 70% of the SMEs surveyed offer “green quality jobs”. Most of them stated that they guarantee a living wage and fair working conditions, while 23% of them meet all five conditions.
Climate change: mitigation and adaptation
With their green business models, SMEs help make economies more sustainable and resilient. The businesses supported by SEED are committed to mitigating and adapting to climate change at the local level. Since the impact of climate change is particularly noticeable for ecologically sustainable companies in countries of the Global South, they act as pioneers in taking concrete measures to counteract these effects. They apply technologies and practices (e.g. sustainable agriculture or afforestation) that serve to mitigate or adapt to climate change.
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Energy Saved
Surveyed enterprises saved 2.7 million kWh of energy, equivalent to the energy used by 18,000 people in Kenya in 1 year
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Water Saved
Surveyed enterprises saved 8 million m3 of water, equivalent to the water used by 470,835 people in Africa in 1 year
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Land Stewardship
Surveyed enterprises sustainably managed 354 K ha of land, roughly 2.6 times the area of Jakarta, Indonesia
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Waste Reduced / Recycled
Surveyed enterprises reduced or recycled 117 K tonnes of waste, equivalent to the waste disposed over 20 days in landfills in Delhi, India
More impact with business development services
Providers of business development services (BDS) support SMEs in the development and scaling of their business models. This increases their reach and attractiveness to investors. SEED works with BDS providers and supports them by optimising their services through:
Training of trainers
Provision of toolkits
Developing their skills to support ecologically sustainable companies
How do business development service providers work?
From the surveyed BDS providers:
The majority have a team of ten people
They support about 100 companies with their services
61% work across the country in different regions and cities
32% of their funding comes from companies, which speaks to the demand
49% are active in the primary sector (extraction and use of natural resources)
The majority of companies that receive support are currently in the development phase (57%), i.e. the second phase
The majority of support goes to micro and small companies with 1 to 9 or 10 to 49 employees (95%)
Most of the supported businesses use the consulting services in the area of company structures and strategies (29%) and market research (22%)
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of the companies supported by BDS
work in rural areas
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The SEED BDS+ programme for improved services
Over the past 15 years, more than 500 BDS providers have used the BDS programme from SEED to provide even better support to businesses. The primary focus here is ecologically sustainable companies. The result of the BDS programme is not only an increased awareness of how service providers help SMEs, but also a greater willingness to work with these companies.
Based on the experience of the past 20 years, SEED sees three levers that are essential for the successful further development of SMEs and accelerated transformative change: scaling, impact, funding.