Culture for Future - Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien im Kultursektor
Authors (text)
Kirsch, Kathrin; Benno Keppner, Sarah Blackert (adelphi); Dr. David Klein, Juliane Moschell, Sophia Kontos (Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Amt für Kultur and Denkmalschutz)
More and more cultural institutions are setting out to become more sustainable and to make their contribution to a sustainable society. But how can this be done in concrete terms? What steps can both cultural institutions take in implementation and municipalities in support of these efforts?
The project "Culture for Future" dealt with these questions. As part of the project, adelphi supported the Dresden Office for Culture and Monument Protection in making Dresden's cultural sector fit for the future. In cooperation with five Dresden cultural institutions (theatre, museum, library, festival, orchestra), sustainability strategies were developed in a participatory process (co-creation). In addition, the project has launched a range of networking meetings and knowledge transfer with regular expert impulses. The series "Peer Catch-Up" and "Culture Connect" will be continued in the future by the Office for Culture and Monument Protection.
The publication summarises the findings of the project on different levels:
1) Project overview "Culture for Future": Which activities did the pilot project include? What can other municipalities learn and transfer from the initiative of the Office for Culture and Monument Protection?
2) Practical guide for cultural institutions: What concrete steps can cultural institutions take to develop a sustainability strategy themselves following a participatory process?
3) Case studies: Which sustainability strategies, measures and insights have the five institutions participating in the pilot project been able to develop and gather?
As an overarching result and starting signal for a sustainable cultural sector in Dresden, a Charter for Sustainability was also signed by the pilot institutions and other cultural institutions in Dresden.
The project was initiated by the Dresden Office for Culture and Monument Protection and the Dresden Environmental Centre, funded by the Council for Sustainable Development and accompanied by adelphi in 2021.