Water is intrinsically linked to the livelihoods and food security of all human beings as food production from the local to the global scale depends on the accessibility of water resources. However, in many parts of the world local communities have no secure access to water sources to sustain their food production. A key challenge to improve water and food security for rural populations, particularly in areas affected by water scarcity, is how customary arrangements for accessing and using water resources can be recognised as legitimate use rights and included in broader water governance frameworks to empower often marginalised communities.
On behalf of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), adelphi organised a hybrid workshop on Water Tenure in Berlin. The overall objective of the workshop was to increase knowledge and awareness about the role that water tenure plays in managing water resources and in its impacts on people’s food security and livelihoods, focusing on three sub-topics: 1) water tenure and food security, 2) water tenure and social inclusion and 3) water tenure and climate resilience. adelphi developed three thematic background papers for the workshop which provided detailed background information on the concept of water tenure and implemented the hybrid workshop event.
A webinar series organized by FAO with the objective of developing and strengthening the water tenure concept. For more information see Water Tenure Mondays website.