As a result of climate change, heat waves, heavy rain, drought and floods may occur more frequently and become more intense. To reduce the risks for people, the environment, the economy and infrastructure in Germany, we need to take action to adapt to climate change. The national Climate Adaptation Centre provides consultation, information, training and networking services. It is aimed at municipalities and social institutions.
The majority of municipalities in Germany have already been affected by extreme weather events more than once. Heavy rain, heat, drought, storms and floods are becoming more common. For these reasons, it is critical that we adapt to the effects of climate change.
Understand the concern – take action
Location, size, age of inhabitants and other factors determine how municipalities are affected by climate change. As a result, the action taken needs to be tailored to the respective situation. This is where the Climate Adaptation Centre comes in.
The Climate Adaptation Centre
The Climate Adaptation Centre is the first consultation and information centre of its kind. It is aimed specifically at municipalities and social institutions throughout Germany. The effects of climate change are affecting municipalities and the vulnerable more and more – yet, towns, cities and social organisations lack the information and data required to integrate precautionary action and climate adaptation into their planning. This is where the Climate Adaptation Centre comes in, with consultation, information, training and networking.
Why the focus on municipalities?
Municipalities are key players: on the one hand, they are directly affected by climate change; on the other, they are the place where adaptation must take place. Urban planning, the management of green spaces and drainage, tourism and the health of residents – municipalities are responsible for a large number of action fields.
Das Zentrum KlimaAnpassung
Das Zentrum KlimaAnpassung ist die erste Beratungs- und Informationsstelle ihrer Art. Sie richtet sich speziell an Kommunen und Träger sozialer Einrichtungen in ganz Deutschland. Obwohl immer mehr Kommunen und die Schutzbedürftigen unserer Gesellschaft betroffen sind, fehlt es Kommunen und sozialen Trägern ganz grundlegend an Informationen und Daten, um Maßnahmen zur Vorsorge und Klimaanpassung in die eigene Planung zu integrieren. Hier setzt das Zentrum für KlimaAnpassung an, indem es berät, informiert, fortbildet und die Vernetzung fördert.
Kommunen sind zentrale Akteure: Einerseits sind sie vom Klimawandel betroffen, andererseits sind sie der Ort, an dem die Anpassung an den Klimawandel erfolgen muss. Ob Stadt-, Grün- und Entwässerungsplanung oder Tourismus und Gesundheit der Einwohner – Kommunen sind in einer Vielzahl von Handlungsfeldern verantwortlich.
Why the focus on social organisations and institutions?
Retirement homes, hospitals, day-care centres and schools as well as homeless and nursing homes – these are all places where the vulnerable members of society receive care and support. As a result, it is especially important that these institutions take appropriate preventive and adaptive action.
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KWRA 2021
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The Climate Impact and Risk Assessment (KWRA) presents detailed information on the effects of climate change in Germany.
Wir begegnen Akteur*innen aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet, die effektive und anwendbare Klimaanpassungslösungen vorstellen. Im ZKA bringen wir deren Erfahrungen mit den Beratungsbedarfen zusammen und ergänzen sie mit Expertisen aus dem Team. Unsere Motivation ist es, für eine wachsende Anzahl an kleinen und großen Leuchttürmen der Klimaanpassung in Deutschland zu sorgen.
Beatrice John
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Senior Advisor Co-Lead Adaptation
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How does the Climate Adaptation Centre work?
The Climate Adaptation Centre offers advice on funding measures and implementation, promotes networking and exchange, and conducts training sessions.