Mikael P. Henzler is a co-founder and Managing Director of adelphi consult and a managing director of adelphi research. The core topics of his research and consultancy work are: Climate and Energy, Technology and Innovation, and Companies and Finances.
He is also keenly involved in issues concerning environment and energy management by small and mid-sized companies, corporate responsibility, energy efficiency and environmental technology & technology cooperation. He principally advises aid agencies within the development and cooperation sector, international organisations and the European Commission. Since 1995, he has managed more than 100 national and international advisory projects with inter-disciplinary teams. His regional focuses are: South and South East Asia, the Mediterranean region, the Maghreb countries, Southern Africa and Turkey.
Mikael P. Henzler moderates international dialogue processes and plans and oversees a large number of climate, environment and energy-related qualification measures around the world for public-sector clients and banks. He is fully trained in Capacity WORKS and obtained a lead auditor certification for environment management systems in accordance with ISO 14001. He is also a certified sustainability assurance practitioner (CSAP) authorised under AA 1000 to audit the sustainability strategies and reports of companies.
He has developed comprehensive information platforms for the European Commission and the German Federal Environment Agency on green technologies, energy efficiency, corporate social responsibility and the promotion of exports. In addition to formulating regional and sectoral programmes for national and international donor agencies, he regularly evaluates development policy projects. Mikael P. Henzler is the author of a great number of publications on environment technology and energy, sustainability management, and technology cooperation – particularly in emerging economies and developing countries.
Before joining adelphi, Mikael P. Henzler worked in development cooperation. From 1997 to 2000, he managed the environmental division of the Asian and Pacific Center for Transfer of Technology of the United Nations (UN ESCAP) in New Delhi. Whilst in this post, he helped implement various multilateral and bilateral environmental and energy projects and coordinated the cooperation between various departments within the United Nations. He was the Head of Division for Asia, the Middle East and South Africa at the International Environmental Transfer Centre (ITUT) in Leipzig from 2000 to 2001 and has advised the United Nations, the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the World Bank on globalisation and sustainability.
Mikael P. Henzler studied environmental engineering and management at Technical University Berlin.