Claudia Koch is employed as a Secretary, Office Management EMAS Advisory Board and Webdesigner at the German EMAS Advisory Board´s office (UGA). Aside from her secretarial duties, she is also responsible for the technical and administrative maintenance of the websites:,, and
She produces EMAS statistics and provides IT support at the main office. Within the framework of committee and project work, she communicates with national and international institutions, for example with the federal environment ministry, the federal environment office, the DIHK, the European Commission, the European EMAS helpdesk as well as EMAS participants and interested parties.
Claudia Koch is a professionally trained multilingual secretary, with a focus in Media Design, and a Certified Business Assistant specialising in Foreign Languages (English and French).
The UGA advises the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety (BMU) on questions concerning the European environment management system EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme). The office provides support to the committee with its work, through organising and planning meetings as well as initiating and implementing measures to gain EMAS funding, for example. The internet websites:, and form part of the communication and public relations work of the UGA offices. adelphi is the responsible body for the office.
Erfahrungen – Standpunkte – Beiträge von Unternehmen, Verbänden, Umweltgutachtern und weiteren Stakeholdern zum EMAS-Umweltmanagement. Festschrift und Dokumentation anlässlich 20 Jahre EMAS