The purpose of the stakeholder map is to navigate the project and MSMEs in planning strategies for SCP implementation during the REAP project and beyond. It aims to provide an overview of the different stakeholders to strengthen the impact of similar projects through potentially possible engagements with the mapped stakeholders.
The map is a comprehensive compass, including topics and groups such as technical intermediaries and stakeholders, policy advocacy, financial intermediaries and development organisations. It will be updated in the last year of the project based on cooperation with stakeholders throughout the project.
The EU-funded SWITCH-Asia REAP project aims to achieve the goal of sustainable production of MSMEs in the agri-food production and processing sector in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan by introducing cost-effective SCP measures and building the capacity of MSMEs to innovatively tackle natural resource shortages and create ecosystems for SCP and supply chain integration. Sustainable consumption and production measures support the transition to a green circular economy, which in turn contributes to climate change mitigation, poverty reduction, equity and other critical sustainable development goals.