The METABUILD project was part of the European Union funded SWITCH-Asia Programme and has been implemented from March 2016 until February 2020. METABUILD specifically targeted the metal industry supplying to the building & construction sector across Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The project has proven that Resource Efficient Cleaner Production (RECP) not only entails ecological and social benefits by increasing the sustainability in metal industries, but also makes the case for economic benefits for small and medium enterprises.
The objective of this report is to make the results, detected challenges and success factors around RECP in South Asia available to a wider audience. The report addresses everybody working in a managing position in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in metal sector, everybody sourcing products from these SMEs, everybody advising these industries as an RECP consultant, everybody designing regulations and policies around RECP, and ultimately everybody who is simply interested in resource efficiency and cleaner production in general. This report will provide you with a broad overview of what has been achieved through the METABUILD approach towards RECP in Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka and explain the most prevalent challenges for metal industries, policy makers and financiers in the RECP arena in South Asia.