This report is one of the six sub-reports of the "Climate impact and risk analysis 2021 for Germany", which aims to provide an essential basis for the further development of adaptation in Germany. For this purpose, future climate risks as well as possibilities for adaptation were investigated in a structured manner according to climate impacts and fields of action.
The present sub-report 6 contains an integrated evaluation based on the contents of all sub-reports. This includes an overall consideration of climate risks, also in comparison to the results of the preceding vulnerability analysis for Germany (2015), a cross-comparison of climatic influences and sensitivity factors as well as the analysis of interdependencies (incoming and outgoing impact interactions). In addition, spatial patterns are investigated, firstly, based on a regional categorization of climate types and secondly, by developing climatic hotspot maps. Furthermore, the results of adaptation capacity and needs for action are evaluated. The latter also includes a prioritization and a characterization of the needs for action. On top of this, a cross-evaluation by system areas is carried out, whereby the following five realms are distinguished based on the categorization of all investigated climate impacts: "Natural systems and resources", "Nature-using economic systems", "Infrastructures and buildings", "Nature-remote economic systems", "People and social systems". The consideration of these five system areas refers to their respective impacts and the observed needs for action.
Moreover, the sub-report provides an overview of research needs, both from a methodological perspective and – for the individual fields of action – from a content perspective, before a final conclusion is drawn.