Today's urban society is facing great upheavals and challenges. In many places, the effects of increasing socio-economic and socio-cultural polarisation have become more and more visible. At the same time, many citizens feel both abandoned by politics and fear that their needs are not taken into account in decision-making processes. In times of increasing polarization and right-wing populist tendencies, there is a lack of a broad social discourse, as well as a positive narrative on how we want to live and overcome problems together in the future.
The neighbourhood is a fitting site to address questions of future coexistence because it is a place of identification for many. In addition, complex issues become more tangible at the local level. So far, however, there has been a lack of attractive meeting places and discussion platforms that appeal equally to people from different backgrounds and circumstances while encouraging them to think about a future vision for living together in the neighbourhood.
The project is intended to bring to the forefront the wide-reaching debate on questions of future social coexistence. The project team will drive a Zukunft(s)wagen, a "future caravan", through Germany. It will stop in four different neighbourhoods for a period of two months each. This creates a space in which different people and communities meet and discuss with one another. Resident's needs and personal stories are collected in the caravan and presented as a "growing archive". The project team is also exploring innovative formats that support interactive and inclusive narrative development for the future. The aim is to create a knowledge base and develop a method toolkit for use in other neighbourhoods. A community of practice will also be initiated for the further exchange of knowledge and experience.
The concept development is funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung and serves as the basis for the development of a research and practice project lasting over a period of several years. adelphi is cooperating with several scientific institutions and individuals for the conception and realization of this interdisciplinary project and is thereby responsible for project coordination.