Forward for climate protection: Updated and expanded information platform on voluntary offsetting
Voluntary offsetting of greenhouse gas emissions plays an important role in the context of effective corporate climate protection and in support of international development goals. In connection with the resolutions of COP26 and COP27, measures to implement Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and reporting and accounting requirements for companies at European and German level have been further developed.
The content of the Climate Protection Navigator of the Alliance for Development and Climate Foundation is intended to reflect these developments and was reviewed and revised by adelphi for topicality and relevance. adelphi identified information gaps and closed these by developing factsheets and supplementary website content. Findings on the needs of companies from the workshops and training sessions on greenhouse gas balancing and offsetting were also taken into account when updating and supplementing the information in order to best address the target group. In addition, adelphi supported the incorporation of the updated Navigator content on the foundation's website.