European Commission, EuropeAid - Co-operation Office, SWITCH-Asia Programme
European Commission, DG International Partnerships (INTPA)
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
International Institute for Global Environmental Studies (IGES)
SWITCH-Asia's SCP Facility aims to strengthen the implementation of national policies for sustainable consumption and production (SCP, SDG 12) in Asia and Central Asia. SWITCH-Asia is the largest European Union (EU)-funded program supporting SCP in Asia: since 2007, it has supported more than 140 demonstration projects and policy advisory activities in 24 Asian countries with more than €320 million from 2007-2022. The SCP Facility supports governments in the region with technical advisory projects on policy development in various sectors. It also provides a dialogue platform for SWITCH-Asia demonstration projects.
Capacity building of national government institutions and dialogue
The Facility provides capacity-building support to partner governments for the formulation and implementation of SCP policies and laws. It advises governments on internationally tested SCP instruments and shares EU know-how. It also conducts policy dialogue events involving various stakeholders, from SWITCH-Asia grant projects and policymakers to decision-makers from companies, associations and civil society. The dialogue formats provide an opportunity to share experiences, success stories and good practices. In this way, the Facility strengthens the alignment of perspectives and a linkage of implementation levels. It also supports collaboration between the public and private sector to integrate SCP into value chains within Asia and between Europe and Asia.
Promoting the expansion of SCP
The Facility also serves as a platform to showcase good practices of SWITCH-Asia grant projects and policy advisory projects, thereby promoting effective replication and scale-up. Through its communication strategy, which includes the active use of social media, it publishes and promotes studies, reports and impact stories that raise awareness of SCP among multipliers, practitioners, policy makers, researchers and experts. In this way, the Facility promotes synergies between all components of the SWITCH-Asia program to increase their impact and support its long-term sustainability.
The SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility was implemented by adelphi in collaboration with GIZ International Services and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). As part of the consortium, adelphi supported the overall project management as well as the project implementation and provided a broad pool of experts.