The New European Bauhaus initiative, a growing dynamic creative and transdisciplinary movement, aims to make the European Green Deal a cultural, human-centred, positive and tangible experience for all. The initiative recognises and promotes the design of beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive places across Europe. It connects science and technology with art and culture, and invites communities to collaborate and co-create transformative action. The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) seeks to support municipality-led projects that promote the three complementary values of the New European Bauhaus in everyday life and living spaces: sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusion.
For this, DG REGIO opens the competitive call Support to New European Bauhaus Local Initiatives. As the result, 20 inspiring transformative projects will be chosen in the following action areas: renovation of existing buildings in the spirit of the circular economy and carbon neutrality; conservation and transformation of cultural heritage; transformation of buildings for affordable housing solutions; and revitalisation of urban or rural areas. Winners will receive technical assistance by high-level multidisciplinary experts to incubate their project ideas towards implementation.
adelphi designed and implemented the competitive call, in a consortium with ICLEI and Volcano, led by Ramboll. This includes designing the call methodology, including the selection criteria, setting up the application process, coordinating the evaluation, as well as developing the accompanying materials, documents and (online) tools. adelphi experts supported the winning cities and municipalities in the implementation of their project ideas with their technical knowledge. They set up project plans, analysed the local social context, wrote reports and organised workshops to advance the projects.
Furthermore, adelphi together with Ramboll Consulting, is in charge for the overall coordination in order to ensure consistent and successful work in the 20 projects and to pass on the diverse experiences via a handbook. adelphi was responsible for the Southern European portfolio with projects in Spain, Portugal, Greece and Cyprus.