Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
Ecologic Institute
Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH
How can the living needs of nine billion people be met in the future? This question is becoming increasingly urgent in view of the ever-increasing world population and scarcity of resources. Private household consumption alone accounts for 25 % of global greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG12) for sustainable consumption and production patterns requires manufacturers and consumers to behave in a way that considers environmental and social aspects along the entire supply chain of products and services. In order to advance the implementation of SDG 12 in Germany and internationally, adelphi and its project partners are supporting the German government with establishing systematic monitoring and are deriving options for action.
As a first step, the project team records all relevant national activities that promote sustainable consumption and production patterns and thus make an important contribution to the implementation of the SDG 12 and the associated further goals of Agenda 2030. With the subsequent involvement of further experts, the current developments, perspectives and priorities of SDG 12 will be analysed and evaluated using a set of criteria that was previously developed. The result is a user-friendly database, which contributes to the strategic national implementation of SDG 12 by the Federal Government and informs the public about the implementation process and opportunities for participation. Accordingly, the database should reflect political programmes and measures as well as civil society and business initiatives alike.
Throughout the further course of the project, the indicators on sustainable consumption used in the German Sustainability Strategy will be examined with regard to their communicative effect and their contribution to goal-oriented action. If any gaps are identified, proposals will be developed to supplement the existing set of indicators.
adelphi is leading the project and is responsible in particular for the development and implementation of the database. Furthermore, adelphi is supporting the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety with communicating the activities implemented nationally and internationally for SDG 12. Findings and resulting options for action from the current project are incorporated into the United Nations High Level Political Forum (HLPF) and the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) on the implementation of Agenda 2030. Furthermore, adelphi and its project partners conceptualise and organise expert dialogues and international events.