Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
DIW econ
Oeko-Institut e.V.
Emissions trading systems (ETS) play an increasingly important role as an instrument for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions around the world. As a market instrument, such a system allows covered entities to trade emission allowances, thereby realizing emission reductions where they are least expensive and therefore most economically efficient. Recently many more countries have expressed interest in emissions trading, especially among emerging economies and developing countries.
This project, coordinated by adelphi, provides support for bilateral activities of the German Ministry for the Environment to build capacity in the area of emissions trading in selected countries. As a continuation of the previous successful project of the same name, the overarching goal is to spread basic knowledge, share best practices on emissions trading internationally, and to assist interested countries in developing the necessary capacity for the introduction of their own ETS. To this end, adelphi and its project partners FutureCamp, DIW econ, and the Öko-Institut develop information and training material on emissions trading, prepare and carry out informational events, training courses and specific consultations of foreign experts in Germany and abroad.