Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
The International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP), founded in 2007, is a unique multilateral forum in which officials exchange knowledge and experiences on the design and operation of emissions trading systems (ETS). By providing a forum for technical discussions on ETS design questions and through outreach activities, especially in emerging economies and developing countries, ICAP aims to contribute to the establishment of a well-functioning global carbon market. ICAP encompasses ETS from various government levels: regional, national and sub-national (states, provinces, cities). Today, the partnership currently counts 31 full members and four observers from around the world. The ICAP Secretariat was established in Berlin in 2008. It is affiliated with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and provides the administrative backbone of the network.
adelphi has lent substantial support to ICAP since its inception and worked to make the ICAP website a comprehensive knowledge platform for emissions trading issues. Since 2008, adelphi is hosting partner of ICAP and has been providing the staff for the Secretariat, including the ICAP Project Manager. Key tasks of the Secretariat include conceptual and strategic assistance to the ICAP process, including analyses and briefings on different aspects of emissions trading worldwide, as well as administrative support and financial management.