The investigation and analysis of performance indicators is crucial for organisations, in the implementation and monitoring of sustainability goals as well as for reporting on achieved performance goals. On behalf of the German Environment Agency (UBA), adelphi lead the project "Development of practical guidance for the implementation of EMAS III, CSR and environmental indicators". The guidance was developed in order to achieve optimal use of the full range of environmental indicators of the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, EMAS. The aim was to help companies and organisations in the definition of reporting boundaries and to provide practical, user-friendly information to existing key figures. In addition, selected federal agency institutions were supported in the implementation of EMAS.
As part of a subproject, adelphi in collaboration with the Dr. Hardtke consulting group compiled a comprehensive catalogue of sustainability indicators, which adresses the requirements of the new guide to social responsibility, ISO 26000. The guide is aimed at companies and organisations that have a vital interest in aligning their sustainability management to internationally accepted criteria for social responsibility.