European Commission, EuropeAid - Co-operation Office, SWITCH-Asia Programme
The terrestrial and marine environment is increasingly polluted with plastic waste. In view of the global scale of this pollution and its far-reaching environmental, social and economic consequences, member states of the United Nations agreed in Nairobi in February 2022 to negotiate a global agreement to reduce plastic pollution. In this context, Asia is considered a region of great importance for a successful negotiation and effective implementation of the agreement.
Against this backdrop, adelphi supported the European Union-funded SWITCH-Asia Sustainable Consumption Production Facility to foster collaboration with key stakeholders in Asia and to raise awareness, build capacity and reach a common understanding of the plastics problem and possible solutions in the region. One focus was on approaches that promote the transition to a plastic circular economy. To this end, the project team developed a knowledge package on plastic pollution in Asia and its national, regional, and global challenges. In addition, the project team conducted an analysis of relevant stakeholders in Asia and their perspectives on the current and future developments. Finally, the project team developed and implemented an engagement and collaboration strategy with relevant stakeholders, resulting in an Open Letter on the internationally legally binding agreement to end plastic pollution, signed by various stakeholders from Asia..