The Sustainable Investment Forum ("Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V.", FNG for short) is a grouping of more than 100 businesses and organisations who are actively committed to promoting sustainable financial year investment. The Forum, founded in 2001, operates in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and is a founding member of the European umbrella organisation Eurosif. The increasing membership necessitated the establishment of a professional management function. adelphi was contracted to manage the Forum.
adelphi provided a secretariat and took on all the core work of the Forum. This particularly included public relations, maintenance and upgrading of the Forum's Web presence, the establishment of a newsletter, managing the interchange between members, and communications with relevant political institutions. The primary aim of adelphi under its management contract was to develop the range of services offered by the Forum to its members and to boost awareness of sustainable investment among the public at large and within the industry.