CMCC: Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
E3 Modelling
ETH Zürich (ETHZ)
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)
FAMIFE Consulting Kft
Fresh Thoughts Consulting
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
Politecnico di Milano
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Valencia Polytechnic University (UPV)
Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
Université Laval
Utrecht University
Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM)
As populations and economies continue to grow, the demand for water, energy and food is set to increase as well. The effects of global climate change will put further strain on natural resources. Over the next four years, GoNEXUS will conduct research to help rebalance the nexus between water, food and energy ecosystems. GoNEXUS novel approach combines advanced modelling on global, basin-level and local scales with a participatory approach, bringing together a broad range of stakeholders from different sectors (nexus dialogues). In particular, GoNEXUS will conduct 8 case studies at the global, the continental level in the EU and at the river basin level in 6 case European and African case study sites. A model toolbox will be developed to demonstrate the viability of solutions and serve as a methodological starter kit for future Nexus research. Nexus dialogues will be held for each of the case study areas. The project is funded by the European Commission.
adelphi coordinates the Nexus Dialogues that bring together a broad-range of stakeholders from different sectors and countries. As the responsible partner for dissemination, adelphi furthermore ensures that GoNEXUS results reach their target groups from research, policy and practice. adelphi also develops the GoNEXUS sustainability assessment framework to assess nexus challenges under different future scenarios as well as the effectiveness of proposed solutions to address these. For further information please visit the project website.