Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE)
Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy
Interdisciplinary Institue for Environmental Research (DIPE)
International Alert
International Center for Transitional Justice
Netherlands Institute for International Relations
Partners for Democratic Change International
In this follow-up to the Initiative for Peacebuilding, nine project partners investigated in 21 countries how violent conflicts can be avoided through early warning and prevention measures. Furthermore, concrete recommendations outline ways to overcome the structural problems that exist in early reaction to conflict potentials. The project thus focused on practical tools; the developed guidelines, training and analysis methods can be used by EU institutions, Member States and civil society organisations in conflict prevention. In order to accomplish this, adelphi cooperated closely with local actors, specifically in developing early warning tools in the context of climate change.
adelphi's activities were three-fold:
piloting the assessment framework and training in India and Uganda, assessing the impacts of climate change as well as the related conflict and adaptation potentials in the water sectors of both countries;
developing a widely acknowledged assessment framework for water, climate change, conflict and cooperation potential;
development of a related training to use the assessment framework in Brussels and on-site by development practitioners, relevant EU institutions, its Member States as well as the European and local civil society.