The climate crisis is one of the central challenges of the 21st century. It threatens stability and global peace by worsening the living conditions in many regions. In the Sahel zone, for example, the impact of climate change is exacerbating humanitarian crises and migration pressures, and facilitating recruitment by terrorist movements. Ambitious climate diplomacy makes therefore a critical contribution to global peace and stability. The need to contain climate-related geopolitical upheaval also requires climate diplomacy that supports the transition to a climate-resistant, low-emission world. Contemporary international political dynamics, however, complicate efforts to achieve orderly, multilateral negotiations and solutions.
In the project ‘Global Responses, Regional Initiatives: Climate Diplomacy 2019-2020’, adelphi and the Federal Foreign Office worked to advance the existing foreign policy agenda for climate and stability. The project focus was the engagement for the global design framework: supporting Germany’s work in the United Nations Security Council 2019-2020. The global Sustainable Development Agenda, with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), serves as another important framework. The aim was to make better use of synergies between foreign policy activities and the implementation of the SDGs.
In the project, adelphi experts developed conceptual proposals for the design of international processes, provided support for dialogue with many state and non-state actors, and coordinated the international group of experts on climate security. adelphi also organised dialogue formats, carried out analyses, and wrote studies and policy briefs. This includes, for example, exploring climate and conflict dynamics in Mali and the impact of water scarcity in Central Asia.
This approach engaged with climate risks in a manner that is both concrete and regional, strengthening international efforts within the framework of the United Nations and developing specific recommendations for action. In addition, adelphi employed innovative public diplomacy tools – like the digital information platform Climate Diplomacy – to promote ambitious climate protection and systematic foreign policy communication. adelphi also made use of diverse event formats such as a modular mobile exhibition as well as role-playing games and continuing education programs for diplomats and decision-makers. The project was designed so that the different elements engage with one another. Knowledge exchange and networking among a wide range of governmental and non-governmental stakeholders also played a key role.