Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
German Energy Agency (dena)
Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI
Ifeu – Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
Oeko-Institut e.V.
Prognos AG
The German Climate Action Plan 2050 of the Federal Government sets the 2030 building sector target for direct CO2 emissions at about 70-72 million tonnes. However, the 2017 projection report states that the current actions will result in emissions of approximately 91 million tonnes of CO2 in 2030. The aim of this project was to develop a consistent set of policy instruments to close this gap as soons as possible.
Against the background of the 2030 target for the building sector it appears to be currently unattainable to achieve the emissions reduction goal with the current instruments in place. In order to successfully implement the Energy Efficiency Strategy for Buildings as well as the 2050 Climate Action Plan, it is necessary to develop a set of instruments which will ensure the achievement of the sectoral target for the building sector. Based on the results of various studies with specific goals, those instruments were identified with which the building sector’s goals can actually be achieved.
Together with its partners, adelphi supported the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) in choosing the appropriate instruments. In particular, adelphi's task is to design two groups of instruments: 1) instruments that integrate heat policies more thoroughly in all housing regulations, for example those focusing on new construction incentives, which allow landlords to increase rent due to “modernisation” as well as efficiency investments and inclusion of climate components in housing subsidies and 2) instruments that increase energy efficiency in products and technical facilities.