Mozambique is extremely prone to recurrent natural hazards, including floods, cyclones and drought. Because a large portion of the population in several provinces relies on natural resources for livelihoods and subsistence agriculture, these impacts significantly threaten the poorest groups and weaken the economic development of the country. Against this background, a consortium of non-governmental organisations led by Welthungerhilfe implemented a two-year project supporting the Mozambican National Institute of Disaster Management (INGC) and its local partners by developing their capacities for assessment, mitigation and response to disaster risks. The project was financed by the European Commission Disaster Preparedness Programme (DIPECHO).
Upon the completion of the project, adelphi supported the consortium and the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO) by carrying out an independent evaluation of the project’s relevance, effectiveness, impact, efficiency and sustainability. The services provided by adelphi included developing the qualitative methodology along the criteria of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), collecting data through analyses of primary documents and interviews with authorities, partners and communities in a two-week field mission. The data analysis and elaboration of lessons learned then provided the basis for strategic and operational recommendations. The recommendations are geared towards the European Commission, INGC and the implementing partners and will be used in the future of DIPECHO implementation in the country and to guide implementation of future activities by the NGOs.