Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Institute for Public Economics University of Cologne
Falling revenues and increasing costs are placing a burden on the budgets of many municipalities. At the same time, municipalities are also faced with the task of investing in effective climate protection measures to meet German greenhouse gas reduction targets. As a result of this critical situation – tight budgets and an urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions – the innovative concepts required to overcome the obstacles to funding climate protection activities in municipalities are becoming ever more sorely needed.
To this end, this project analysed various funding models for climate protection activities in cities, municipalities and administrative districts (Landkreise). This analysis involved conducting an empirical survey to determine the funding instruments in use (energy contracting, for example), pinpointing examples of good practice and identifying factors which are impeding the funding and implementation of investment projects. adelphi used the findings from the survey and the other studies to compile a funding handbook for practitioners and a policy paper containing recommendations for overcoming obstacles in municipal climate protection.
This project was an undertaking of the Federal Ministry for the Environment and was conducted within the framework of the National Climate Initiative.