How can stakeholders be included in stocktaking of environmental aspects? What internal structures are necessary to design sustainable supply chains? The BMUB, adelphi and Systain Consulting are holding a workshop on these questions for medium-sized enterprises on 7 December in Berlin.
Given globalization and a tendency towards decreasing government regulation, companies are facing more pressure than ever to live up to their responsibilities in their supply chains. Recent political initiatives such as the commitment of the G7 leaders on the responsibilities companies have in relation to their supply chains underline the importance of the issue - not only for large but also medium-sized enterprises. However, systematically accounting for environmental risks is often a major challenge for companies, with their often expansive supply chains.
CSR-Atlas offers practical solutions
In practice, there is often a lack of concrete information on countries and risk-sharing in the preliminary stages. To close this gap, adelphi and Systain Consulting are currently developing the first "Atlas for Sustainable Supply Chains" with the support of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB).
This atlas is intended to show which environmental impacts exist in the supply chains of the respective industries and to offer practical solutions. Decision-makers in companies with international, complex supply chains are now given orientation for identifying and localising relevant environmental risks in their own supply chains.
In this light, the BMUB, with adelphi and Systain Consulting, has launched a dialogue with companies, associations and civil society representatives. The aim is to find suitable ways to identify environmental aspects in the supply chain. First results of the funding project will be presented at a dialogue event in Berlin.
Workshop "Identifying Environmental Aspects in the Supply Chain"
7 December 2016, 10 AM – 4 PM
Where: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), Stresemannstraße 128-30, Room 1.001, 10117 Berlin
Please register no later than 1 December via Daniel Weiss (E-Mail: weissadelphi [dot] de (weiss[at]adelphi[dot]de)).
Participation is free of charge and refreshments will be provided.