World Wildlife Day: Financing Solutions for Central Asia's Endangered Mammals
Comment by Anne Neumann, Christiane Röttger, Dr. Johannes Stahl
News publ. 12. Aug 2013
Many people today no longer value prestige or ownership, preferring alternative methods of consumption, such as swapping, sharing or renting. Car-sharing and swap sites on the Internet have made this possible. Around every second person in Germany has some experience of this trend. It is often not only a cheaper but also a sustainable and environmentally friendly option. However, sustainable consumption cannot be prescribed from above, as was demonstrated by the recent debate surrounding “veggie day”.
The media communicate information, shape opinion and provide a critical voice and therefore play an important role in making sustainable consumption an established feature of society. On August 1 the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) and the Federal Environment Agency invited representatives from the popular press and specialist media to share their ideas as part of the dialogue series “Boosting the Role of the Individual in Sustainable Consumption”.
The series is geared towards a range of stakeholders. The first dialogues date back to 2011 and have involved foundations, charities and most recently media representatives. adelphi devises and organises these dialogue series on behalf of the BMU.
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