More commercial investment in energy efficiency in Europe - this is a stated goal of the European Investment Bank’s PF4EE instrument. In order to prepare the banks to work toward this goal, adelphi provided them with technical assistance for the first time last week in Prague.
From 8 to 10 December 2015, to successfully implement the “Private Finance for Energy Efficiency (PF4EE)” instrument, the first standardised training was conducted under the umbrella of the "Expert Support Facility" at the Czech Komerční banka a.s. (KB) in Prague. KB is one of the largest banks in the Czech Republic and is a part of the Société Générale Group. As an important financing partner for small and medium-sized enterprises, KB will mainly contribute to energy savings in Czech industry through the extension of the PF4EE credit line.
adelphi training and finance experts spent three days at KB to train around 25 employees on energy efficiency financing and jointly analyse capacity needs at the bank. To begin with, participants were given a general introduction to the topic, before delving more deeply into the regulatory framework in the European Union and the details of the PF4EE instrument. In very practical sessions, they developed an understanding of the specialties of financing energy efficiency projects and their technical appraisal. A further session was dedicated to marketing energy efficiency projects, where participants learned about examples of other banks and set up their own small marketing campaign.