„Cities do matter with regard to climate change” was one of the key messages of the international symposium „Cities in a Changing Climate“, organised by KfW Entwicklungsbank and supported by adelphi. Presentations and speeches are now available online.
More than 100 experts from development cooperation, international financing institutions and academia as well as representatives of national and local governments in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Germany focusing on urban climate finance gathered in the KfW Headquarter. The speeches and panel discussions at the symposium that has been financed by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development emphasised the need for cities to take immediate action to avoid severe climate change impacts on urban areas and their residents. In this regard, speakers and participants underlined that decision making under climate related uncertainty is possible.
In order to ensure that urban investment needs are included in the national and international climate debate, city governments need to engage in the development of national climate change strategies. Development partners should foster this urban approach by demanding the representation of cities’ delegates in government negotiations.
adelphi supported KfW Entwicklungsbank in the development of the symposium agenda, the identification of speakers and the logistical organisation of the event. In addition, adelphi provided a professional moderator for the symposium. The speakers’ presentations and a comprehensive documentation of the event, is available at the conference website: https://www.kfw-entwickl…