COP28: adelphi experts and side events in Dubai

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News publ. 06. Dec 2023

Alle Vertretungen der Regierungen und Organisationen sind auf der Bühne während der COP28, um die Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace zu unterschreiben
adelphi Mitarbeiterin Janani Vivekananda
Quote (without marks)
Communities affected by both climate change and conflict bear the harshest impacts yet have been consistently left behind by international climate action. COP28 has a unique opportunity to promote solutions for these communities by committing to put human-security at the centre of climate action; investing in adaptation, resilience, and anticipatory action designed for conflict settings; and making climate finance more accessible and relevant to fragile contexts.
Janani Vivekananda
Quotable description
Head of Programme Climate Diplomacy and Security

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