The Paris climate agreement set the goal of directing financial flows towards climate-friendly development. As investors, municipalities can also contribute to climate policy through sustainable investment strategies. adelphi is supporting independent municipalities with these investments.
Several German cities including Münster, Stuttgart, Berlin, Bremen and Göttingen pioneered this concept in Germany and have resolved to invest their assets in a way that is based on sustainable investment policies. There are already more than 140 cities and regions worldwide that invest their funds, in particular pension reserves, in accordance with climate-friendly policies and are thus setting a standard for sustainability.
In particular, a new project should spur independent municipalities to address the withdrawal of funds from climate-damaging investments ("divestment"). The project Climate friendly investing. Municipal Divestment and Re-Investment is holding regional workshops in which all interested independent municipalities can participate. Two conferences and civic dialogues will be held. The events are supported by experts in finance who will provide insight into how to analyse and reinvest municipal investments in a climate-friendly and sustainable way. In addition, five selected cities will be supported in the development of a local divestment strategy. Additional workshops will be offered for other actors (cities, districts, in-house operations, government ministries).
An exchange among pioneers in the field, experts, and municipal decision-makers is the focus of the project. In addition to the climate-friendly aspect, the security of the investments stands at the foreground of the consultation. Since many fossil raw materials can no longer be used for climate-friendly global development, there is a risk that investment in certain industries will lose value.
The Nationale Klimaschutzinitiative (“National Climate Initiative“) is being implemented by adelphi, the Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen (FNG) e.V, Climate Alliance e.V. and the non-profit organization adelphi is in charge of surveying, analysis and case studies, as well as organizing and carrying out the workshops and final conference.