The private sector plays a central role in implementing Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) is therefore offering entrepreneurs an introduction on approaches to business, which will take place on 9
There is growing pressure on private companies to make their supply chains more environmentally friendly and to fulfil a social responsibility. It is not just consumers that demand this; the German government also wants to create stronger incentives for companies to integrate sustainable management approaches into their management and production processes. On 9 November 2018, the BMU will host the conference "Sustainable management for Agenda 30 - the role of companies in achieving global sustainability goals."
Sustainable economies for Agenda 2030
– The role of companies in achieving global sustainability goals
Entrepreneurs and politicians should inform themselves about future-oriented ideas for sustainable management and discuss possible policy instruments that will make implementation in companies both easier and more appealing.
Measuring sustainability in companies
Operational environmental management systems such as EMAS are used to measure companies' concrete successes in sustainability management. The abbreviation "EMAS" stands for "Eco-Management and Audit Scheme" (= system for environmental management and environmental auditing). The conference will discuss the current and future role of EMAS while also identifying difficulties in ongoing implementation efforts. The BMU will also recognise companies with outstanding environmental management.
Implementing Agenda 2030 and the German Sustainability Strategy
adelphi is organising the conference on behalf of the German Environment Ministry (BMU) and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The overriding goal of the conference is to translate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) of Agenda 2030 and the German Sustainability Strategy into concrete strategies for action and to cooperate closely with companies in order to offer a platform for dialogue on possible obstacles.
The United Nations Agenda 2030 was adopted three years ago by all countries of the world. Its key objective is to reconcile economic progress with a more socially just and ecologically sustainable world. In contrast to earlier initiatives, the Agenda applies equally to industrialised, emerging, and developing countries. The Federal Government of Germany has incorporated this global agenda into the German Sustainability Strategy 2016 and transformed it into concrete measures of the Federal Government.