Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
UP Communikations
Buildings worldwide cause high CO2 emissions and the emission of other harmful greenhouse gases. In particular, the energy use contributes to the high carbon footprint of this sector. With the aim of creating a cross-national cooperation for the exchange of technology and knowledge in the building sector, adelphi on behalf of the Federal Ministry of the Environment organised two workshops in Berlin.
The events titled CTI (Climate Technology Initiative) workshops took place in autumn 2012 and 2013 and were directed at stakeholders from developing and transition countries that are involved in the building sector. In this forum, government representatives from construction, infrastructure or energy agencies, technology providers, construction companies, project developers, banks and consultants came together to discuss ways to implement climate protection measures in buildings and share knowledge. Topics on the agenda were the use of renewable energy, energy efficiency measures, energy management approaches, neighbourhood energy management and funding opportunities.
Currently, adelphi develops and circulates the CTI Workshop Newsletter on a quarterly basis. This publication informs the members of the CTI Workshop Community about news and trends in the field of climate protection in buildings.