National Centre for Environmental Education, Rhineland-Palatinate
The multimedia exhibition "Environment, Conflict, and Cooperation" was designed by adelphi and Weltformat.Design. Since 2006, the Education for Sustainable Development, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, has supported this concept and contributed to extending the exhibition content modules. The exhibition focuses on making the issue gain meaning within the international environment and development agenda. The central question addresses how to promote sustainable development and environmental cooperation as conflict management and peacebuilding measures. The importance of natural resources in conflict and crisis areas is as apparent as it is complex. "Water wars" and "blood diamonds" as well as "warlords", who use the wealth of natural resources to finance corrupt regimes and civil wars, clearly show the correlation.
The exhibition intentionally goes beyond the narrow circle of specialists and technical community in order to attract interested citizens. The informational contents give the viewer a visual representation of the complex relationships between humans and their environment. The Education for Sustainable Development, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, promoted the exhibition throughout the region until the end of 2011.