In many developing countries, institutions for the management of conflicts over land, water and other natural resources are weak or unable to perform these tasks effectively. Given the growing awareness of the need to strengthen capacities in this area, the European Commission partnered with the Expert Reference Group of the Framework Team (FT) of the United Nations in the fall of 2008. The goal was to conceptualise what is expected to become a long-term partnership that can build the capacities of UN, EC and national counterparts to understand land/resources conflicts as well as jointly formulate and implement effective tools and policy responses to address them.
Before developing new tools and policy guidelines, however, there was a need to take stock of what capacities, tools and guidance already exist within the UN. Therefore, as part of the project, adelphi compiled an updated capacity inventory to address environmental and natural resources and conflict situations. The inventory aimed to systematically work out existing gaps that will eventually allow for consensus-based use of natural resources. To provide a focused analysis of UN capacities, the inventory was based on information collection, research, and interviews with key informers.
Report prepared on behalf of the EC-UN Partnership on Strengthening Capacities for the Consensual and Sustainable Management of Land and Natural Resources