The International Development Finance Club (IDFC) is a group of 27 national and regional development banks from around the world committed to financing the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement. adelphi supports through the IDFC Climate Facility.
Development banks play a key role in supporting pathways to low-carbon and climate-resilient development. The IDFC's member banks come from a variety of countries and support projects that focus on sustainable development, climate change resilience and the fight against poverty. Among the members are, for example, KfW, the Agence Française de Développement, the Development Bank of Southern Africa or the Latin American Development Bank.
The IDFC Climate Facility
IDFC has established a Climate Facility to strengthen the capacity and knowledge of its members and to better leverage their resources in the area of climate change mitigation and adaptation finance. The Climate Facility supports IDFC member banks in two ways:
Climate finance capacity is enhanced so that climate change aspects are more integrated into member banks' mandates and portfolios. To this end, climate change mitigation and adaptation projects should be launched and further developed.
Cooperation and knowledge exchange among member banks will be promoted.
How adelphi supports the IDFC
adelphi is involved in various activities of the Climate Facility. The project team designs, organises and hosts knowledge-sharing activities, training and education, and develops tools to support IDFC members.