Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
The establishment of a well-functioning Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system is crucial for the implementation of all effective climate policy measures. It is therefore vital for the countries that have gathered substantial experience on MRV to share their knowledge and build capacity in countries that have started to develop an ETS or are in the process of establishing other climate change policies.
To enhance such cooperation adelphi was appointed with the organisation of a study tour on MRV of Greenhouse Gases in Industrial Installations, which was initiated by the ClimaEast project funded by the European Commission and the German Ministry for the Environment. Participants of the tour included climate policy experts from Eastern European countries and the South Caucasus. During a three-day study tour, which took place in Germany and in Poland, the participants had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the regulatory and institutional framework of MRV in Germany, main principles of the creation of an installation database and special features of the work of the verifiers. Visits of a power plant and a clinker factory enabled them to explore how MRV functions on company level.
The tour was realised by adelphi as part of the project “Sharing knowledge, developing skills: Capacity Building on Emissions Trading Systems” in cooperation with its project partner FutureCamp.