Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
The International FEED-IN Cooperation was initiated by the Spanish and German governments at the International Conference for Renewable Energies in Bonn, June 2004, in order to promote the exchange of experiences and thereby improve the feed-in system design in each country. Thereafter, a joint declaration between both governments was signed on October 6, 2005, in Madrid. Since feed-in systems have proven to be the most effective and efficient option to promote renewable energies, the International Feed-in Cooperation aims at demonstrating the advantages of a feed-in system. In this context, the member countries intend to stimulate the enhancement of feed-in tariffs worldwide by including other countries into their information exchange process. For instance, existing knowledge and experiences gained in the three countries can serve as valuable information for other countries planning to develop feed-in tariffs.
The knowledge exchange happened by various international workshops and was supported by the information available on a website. Furthermore, design criteria for successful policy implementation are specified and best-practice examples throughout Europe were identified. adelphi assisted in establishing this network and preparing the kick-off workshop.