One activity of the Siemens Stiftung empowering people. Network is a regionally based and hands-on oriented format of training opportunities: the empowering people. Onsite Workshop. After similar workshops in Indonesia and Ethiopia adelphi supported the Siemens Stiftung in implementing another workshop in Ghana for their network members. The training focused on “Market Research & Customer Insights” and was hosted at the Impact Hub Ghana. 20 inspiring entrepreneurs came together to exchange knowledge and experiences, gain further insights into market and customer relations and connect with fellow entrepreneurs
The participatory workshop sessions offered a two-fold approach. The first sessions provided a broad introduction into the different market research elements, methodologies and customer analysis. In the second part the participants got to exercise a “reality check” of different theoretical claims. Thereby, they got to discover market assumptions and characteristics and discussed the relevant forces influencing their markets. Other topics of the workshop were customer segments, the identification of areas of improvement of products or services and the rating of the relevance of key products or service features. The interactive sessions were followed by intensive feedback-rounds in which the participants presented their respective customer circles and concentrated on their supposed specific demands and expectations.
adelphi was tasked with the development of the training toolkit and with the design of the workshop. adelphi also facilitated the workshop and created a peer-learning format to facilitate the network development among the participants.