Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
In 2006 and 2007, Timor-Leste experienced its most severe crisis since its independence. Since then, the security and political situation has improved considerably. However, if peace and security are to be sustained, new crises and violent conflicts have to be prevented. This is why German development cooperation efforts have since 2009 been focused on conflict prevention and peace building.
After four years, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) reassessed the conflict sensitivity and relevance of its development work with Timor-Leste. adelphi supported this process by preparing an in-depth peace and conflict assessment. The assessment provided an analysis of drivers and dynamics of conflict and fragility, an identification of peace-building needs and an evaluation of the relevance of German development cooperation efforts. The objective was to develop a joint understanding of the priority areas of conflict prevention and peace building, an understanding which would then help in efforts to develop a forward looking and sustainable strategy and clear operational recommendations.
Following up the assessment, in 2014 adelphi organised a series of workshops for the German development programmes in Timor Leste in order to support the translation of the recommendations into programming and building up a M&E system.