As part of this project, consultants to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and related intermediary organisations from across Europe came together for the first time. They shared their expertise in the field and produced a snapshot of CSR consulting services for SMEs. For this purpose, adelphi came together with its partner to organise a participatory network meeting in the form of a barcamp, during which the various stakeholders were able to share their experiences and network with each other. Additionally, participants and other interested actors were involved in the development of supporting materials for (future) CSR consultants to SMEs.
With this project adelphi, provided support to the European Commission in its work on the provision of CSR knowledge to SMEs. Intermediary organisations and consultants assumed a crucial role in this context. The project aimed to improve their counselling services by strengthening the Europe-wide exchange of best practices in the field.