This project aims to analyse and illustrate which means of German environmental policy can contribute to addressing the environment-conflict-security nexus. Conflict and wars can cause lasting damage to the environment, but environmental damage itself also jeopardises peace and stability. In June 2023, the German Federal Government presented it National Security Strategy for the first time. The broad concept of security presented therein includes the protection of natural resources as a fundamental pillar. In response to this, the Federal Environment Agency wants to determine how environmental policy can contribute to a new security policy and to the implementation of the National Security Strategy.
Against this background, adelphi will identify concrete possibilities for the reorganisation of security policy and the implementation of the goals of the national security strategy through environmental policy in Germany. In the analysis of selected thematic areas, adelphi will develop proposals for the areas in which environmental policy measures at national and international level can most effectively prevent 1) conflicts from contributing to environmental degradation, 2) environmental degradation from contributing to conflicts and 3) environmental protection measures from contributing to conflicts.