Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
The aim of the inventory was to identify current initiatives, programmes and projects of EU Member States in the field of environment and security. The purpose was to enhance the comparability between the relevant approaches and strategies of Member States. In the longer run, the aim was to identify potential synergies and links between national programmes and activities of EU Member States to allow for a more comprehensive European approach.
The project built on the results of the Inventory of Environment and Security Policies and Practices (IESPP). The IESPP was conducted by the Institute for Environmental Security in cooperation with adelphi. The results of the eight case studies in the IESPP – Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom – will be summarised for the inventory.
Initial results were presented at the conference "Integrating Environment, Development, and Conflict Prevention – European and National Approaches and Challenges", hosted by the Federal Ministries for Environment and Development Cooperation and the Federal Foreign Office on March 29-30, 2007, in Berlin.