Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
wilhelm innovative medien (wiminno)
In the context of this project, adelphi was responsible for fully redesigning the website of the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), headquartered in Bonn. The secretariat has been located in Bonn since 1996, where it is the largest specialist agency of the United Nations. Around 150 employees organise and prepare the specific technical content of the conferences of the parties to the convention and other meetings of experts where international decisions on issues of climate protection are prepared and/or agreed.
The website serves as the most important information portal for matters of international climate protection and as a media portal on the topics to be discussed at world climate conferences. adelphi helped the secretariat to position the relevant content on the website in a way that was targeted to these different user groups and to make information as easy as possible to find. This complex process of information and knowledge management was performed in close consultation with leading members of the UN climate change secretariat in Bonn.