Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Mountainous East African Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world. Climate change is exacerbating risks such as droughts, floods and mudslides, especially with regard to its mainly rural population living off subsistence farming.
The German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) thus commissioned adelphi and GITEC Consult to strengthen local climate resilience. The goal of the project was to build and improve an early warning system against catastrophes, such as e.g. floods and landslides. During the first phase of the ACCES project the focus was on the adaptation to climate change in the areas of soil and water resources. The results and experiences from this first project phase constituted the basis for the second phase of the ACCES+ project (Reducing the Impact of Climate Change on the Availability of Water and Soil Resources). In addition to (1) the ongoing support for already existing committees for risk prevention and disaster management in the partner communities Isare, Mutambu and Rumonge, the main focus of this phase was on (2) the establishment and monitoring of additional committees in the three new partner communities Mubimbi, Nyabiraba and Bugarama. Central instruments for these committees included risk maps as well as (regularly updated) emergency plans and simulations for practical disaster practice. They formed an essential basis for decision-making regarding measures to reduce risks and damage caused by a disaster.
The new project communities received basic equipment for the event of a disaster, as the three municipalities of the first project phase did. Additionally, all project municipalities were supported in integrating disaster management and climate adaptation measures into their annual budget and work planning.
adelphi’s main task was to provide technical guidance and advice to local staff in the preparation of risk maps, emergency plans and their regular updates. In addition, adelphi accompanied the implementation of emergency simulations and monitors the impact of all project activities.
Project activities from the first project phase can be viewed on the respective project page.